WAZIPOINT Engineering Science & Technology: Campervan Travel - Visit Castles to Explore the History and Have Fun This Summer!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Campervan Travel - Visit Castles to Explore the History and Have Fun This Summer!

In a few months, the sun will shine in its full glory in the UK, giving a perfect excuse to everyone to go on a summer break. Whether solo or with family, you can make the most of your weekends by hopping to the emblems of the heritage of this sovereign country, i.e., castles. If some sit atop the cliff edge as ruins, others carry the battle scars in the surroundings of the moat and drawbridge. A few possess fairy-tale-like charm with towering minarets in thrilling woodland settings. While each holds a magical pull, you can hire a camper to make your journey to each of them more memorable.

Do you want to explore castles in summer in a campervan? You can check https://www.campstar.com/  for a choice. Before this, here is a quick look into three or four famous castles to help you decide on your itinerary.

Leeds Castle in Kent

It can be your virgin or repeat visit, but Leeds Castle never fails to intrigue onlookers with its 900 years of existence. You can test your cognitive power by exposing yourself to the maze of 2,400 yew trees. It can be a pure fun time for the entire family. As you reach the middle, you will encounter a spooky cave before returning to civilization. The castle also has expansive 500 acres of gardens, a golf course, and adventure playgrounds. Other activities include a Segway tour of the premises and boating in the moat. Anyone with extra energy can do Go Ape Tree Top adventure in the woodland.

Pembroke Castle in Pembrokeshire

The castle is mainly known as the home of Tudor King Henry VII. But it has more to offer. Watching Keepers of the Castle is a delight, an interactive and knowledge-driven show. You can also watch demonstrations of the different flights of prey birds. Once you are here at this Norman Stone Castle, you will be treated to various exciting sights and experiences. The activities aboveare just a tiny glimpse of what to expect. People even visit this site for dragon parades and fighting technique lessons. If you are interested in maps, you have one more reason to like this place. The castle contains Wales' largest map covering all the essential castles and religious sites.

Do you want to know more about this castle? Take the ghost tour at 6.45 pm to explore its haunted passageways, dark towers, and winding staircase. A site filled with stories of violent pasts and sudden deaths can give you a goose-bump-like experience. Besides this, you can look forward to outdoor opportunities like surfboarding, mountain biking, etc.

Dunluce Castle in Northern Ireland

On the jagged and dangerous Antrim Coast, you will come across Dunluce Castle, a remnant of the medieval era and tumultuous history. It once served Clan McDonnell. The excitement of visiting this castle will be high as you pass through a bridge. Some feel it’s best to explore in summer, as the brighter days make it easy to digest the haunting legends of banshees and more.

There is a lotto see and experience in and around the UK. If you get time in summer, indulge your history-loving nerd inside you by planning your castle trips. For comfort and ease, campervans can be your best bet.

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