How to Maintain a Site Diary In Project Site Work?
The site diary is actually a record book that contains every day works to record and small changes that are not possible to take prior approval in papers. To continue the site works uninterruptedly as per the decisions of the site engineer site diary is important to note for a site supervisor.
Site Diary also known as Construction Daily Logs, The bigger the project, the bigger the need to document the project on-site. Also if the site is very large then you need multiple supervisors with special skills. You might want to supervise each area separately like electrics, structures, HVAC, Hygiene-Safety & Environment, and others. And this should be done for all buildings on the project.
Site Diary also known as Construction Daily Logs, The bigger the project, the bigger the need to document the project on-site. Also if the site is very large then you need multiple supervisors with special skills. You might want to supervise each area separately like electrics, structures, HVAC, Hygiene-Safety & Environment, and others. And this should be done for all buildings on the project.
Site Diary or construction log book generally works on three main issues, daily carried out information, highlights and concerns. By focusing on these three items, anyone can produce a clear and short enough construction diary that is also readable. Yes, also concerns and problems should be filled to the diary.
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If any engineer or officer visited the site and found any work or part of them that need change, modify, or impasses to any point, he may suggest to the site supervisor in his presence or absence by writing in the site diary.
The Contractor shall provide suitable diaries in an approved form to which the Employer shall have access and shall enter in these diaries all the measurements of the Contract Works at the site.
The works at the site as completed every day on which the measurements are taken, together with full particulars, and details of all obstructions or modifications or extra, or incidents and the number of men employed in each of the several portions of the work in progress and any other information as directed by the Employer or his representative.
The diaries shall be
available at all times for the Employer to verify the records and the
Employers representative shall sign all entries therein so verified, and have
full liberty himself to make entries therein, but no such signature or entry
shall imply acceptance of any work or material, or that the Contractor is
entitled to be paid for the same, or at any particular rate.
The diaries shall, when signed by both parties, be deemed to be a true record of the work executed. The diary(s) shall be the property of the Employer.
The line about dairies in site works- the most important part of your site diary etiquette is that you do it daily and when any major incidents occur. The site diary is the evidential document as the first record and it is the reference point for many other important documents, such as variations.
The diaries shall, when signed by both parties, be deemed to be a true record of the work executed. The diary(s) shall be the property of the Employer.
The line about dairies in site works- the most important part of your site diary etiquette is that you do it daily and when any major incidents occur. The site diary is the evidential document as the first record and it is the reference point for many other important documents, such as variations.
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